We’re due some diligence

 Due diligence, or Don’t diligence? Which do you prefer in youth sports?

-Plausible deniability and the dangers of Whistleblowing in soccer in BC.


As I’m sitting here at the start of 2022, I’m still not sure how or where to even begin this twisted tale of fuckery. 

Yup, it’s that messed up! 

You wouldn’t believe the cost, even if I told you…. But I’m gonna tell ya.

Total. System. Failure.

For the record, I don’t absolve myself of blame for my situation, and I take responsibility for my role in it. 

I have to live with the outcome every day….but should I have to for speaking up about others wrongdoing?

Through reflection and therapy, I’ve learned my trauma response is lashing out at those who cross a line or betray their oath to protect.

I can’t sit on the sidelines and be one of those people turning a blind eye. I just can’t.

So this account isn’t going to pull any punches. I’m not going to soften the blows for those that willingly or not chose to stomp on others rights.

What I can tell you matter of factly is the monkey don’t run the zoo, the snakes do.

The BCSA/CSA are where complaints of abuse/harassment go to die. 

A very shallow dead end….but at least they’re not Whitecaps FC where investigative documents disappear entirely. 

BCSA just never starts them. 

BCSA/CSA inability to admit they are incapable of investigating abuse and harassment claims is both disturbing and damaging.

I’d like to start with the concept of plausible deniability. See if this description seems to fit our soccer leaders.

 Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by members of their organizational hierarchy.


All plausible deniability does is Compartmentalizes and insulates immorality and misconduct….especially at BCSA/CSA… they’re an arm of the immoral FIFA beast, and we all know what kind of unethical monster that is.

Like I said earlier, I’m not Ciara, my writing will be a lot more direct and pointed, I’ve had a while to sharpen the stick…& I’m feeling kind of jabby.

This won’t be a coach billy blog, I think the douchecanoes should stand up and be accounted for….it’s time to play battleship.

However, I have come up with nicknames for story time which I feel aptly describe them.

I will do my best to be engaging and funny and try to focus on the messed up process as much as the personnel and personalities. They are all intertwined to create the chaos that is youth sports abuse investigation….but I’m gonna be straight up, it’s really hard when you’re dealing with unethical donkey sacs.

What I can promise you is this, this story is sure to be entertaining with its use of colourful language and detailed descriptions of the uselessness of certain individuals, and what I hope will be my palpable disdain for their (in)actions.

For the record, yes I know I have a big mouth…. However I like to think it only spouts off Tourette-like when I’m dealing with dipshits. 

The unfortunate part is in the local soccer world  it happens all too frequently ;)

Considering, I’ve already received the longest coaching suspension in FIFA history for reporting harassment and abuse… I would guess the next step is a BCSA firing squad….but who knows in this crazy world we live in, either way I don’t give a f***.

When I think about all I’ve witnessed, and the absolute wankers I’ve had to endure in my 25 years of coaching youth soccer it really is overwhelming and unbelievable….truly surreal. 

You hear stories but you don’t truly know until you’re in it….kind of like Burning Man without the psychedelics, nakedness or the playa.

You leave going WTF just happened? Lol 

The truth is I love the game, and what’s it taught and brought me in my 51 years and change on this planet.

I was one of the truly lucky people who worked doing what I loved, coaching kids.

I want this to be abundantly clear, over the years, I’ve definitely met a lot more awesome people than not, but the f***tards in this game are epic and legendary and worthy of the attention I hope they get.

I will say that there was most certainly a correlation between how important they thought they were and their position on whichever Board or executive team they were running.

As a Coach, my teams have won Championships and tournaments. We lost games we should have won, and won games we should have lost, I coached kids on Provincial teams and I coached 3 year olds, boys, girls, special needs, wheelchair soccer, I didn’t care, as long as I was on the field/gym with the kids laughing and joking around, it was absolutely the best part of my job. 

What I didn’t enjoy was the behind the scenes games, it’s so full of ego, and misplaced priorities, cowards and bullies. A politician, and ass-kisser I am not. 

I’ve been told more than once my mouth is my gift and my curse… there is possibly some truth in that .

But the only person I pucker up for is my Latina Queen.

When you think of local soccer boards, Imagine, Survivor without the Island, plotting, scheming, conniving, backstabbing…youth sports has it all and I had a front row seat for quite awhile.

I remember Larry Myers, a lawyer and Coordinator for Point Grey Soccer said to me early in my coaching career, be prepared to see humanity in a completely different light. Youth sports is like nothing else, good and bad.

He couldn’t have been more spot on.

In my experience, Boards of Directors for the most part are like reeds in the wind. It’s groupthink defined: the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility.

Sheeple if you will. 

When it comes to responsibility or accountability, the threshold is the bare minimum for most, and waaaay to much for others, which can be great, or very very bad (see Debbie Judd, on-leave whitecaps executives and so many others)

Board and leadership frailty really is a bullies dream come true….Boards across the province are full of them, bullies love the power without challenge or recourse.

Board Votes become currency for ambition and control, and wielded in the wrong hands, punishment for opposing views.

Apparently in BC soccer circles, Volunteerism or a BCSA/CSA staff position gives you a free pass to be an unethical ass-hat or an ostrich…or both….with paid mileage and a per diem to boot.

I’ve had more than one Board/Staff member over the years say they would make my life miserable, fire me, destroy me… if I didn’t play ball…. But I’m not very good with threats, and I’ve suffered for it. 


Who was I gonna call??

(How many people said Ghostbusters in their head???) 

In truth, they probably would have been more helpful than BCSA/CSA….they have proven to be completely and utterly devoid of ethical governance, or common sense.

I’m going to focus my attention and this story on my All-star adamantium 7 aside team (adamantium makes them bullet proof, think a less cool Wolverine with a snazzy BCSA tracksuit)

7 shady as f*** individuals that make up Total Twats FC (TTFC)….or the Immorals….I can’t decide which one I like better.

Jason Elligott (J-dog) the protector of the house of cards (& his paycheque) that is the BCSA.

Executive Dictator of BCSA.

Dan Turvill (Turdburglar) this piece of shite stole my love of the game…& I want it back.

BCSA Competitions/ Discipline Director.

Aiman El Ramly (Magnum NI) 

Magnum Non-Investigator, self explanatory.

BCSA Discipline Chair.

David Joseph (Big Dave) named because he fancied himself a big deal.

VRGSA President and Discipline Chair

David Weber (LD) short for Little Dave because he was a tad short on doing the right thing.

RFC El Presidente

Jonathan Kallner (Jonny) short for Jonny Rotten.

RFC metro director 

Dan Brodie (Mr. Hyde) because he’s that guy who kisses ass until he doesn’t get what he wants… then he pouts, morphs and plays dirty.

RFC Communications Director.

This group is a force of nature when working together…& proof that the unethical whole can be greater than the sum of its parts.

They’re undefeated. 

Titans of self importance.

Would I do it all again?? 

Of course I would. I can look myself in the mirror every day knowing I did the right thing, over the easy thing….plus I got the added value of seeing some people I really dislike visibly lose their shit when I disagreed with their demands (Hyde, Jonny, Big Dave to name a few)

I can neither confirm nor deny that I might have possibly created a few aneurysms for some seriously uptight Type A parents and Board/ Staff when I didn’t pick their kids when I was told I had to, or stayed silent when they demanded.


( if I forgot to mention this team is ethically tone deaf, they communicate with nods and winks, unsure if there’s a secret handshake).

One of the pluses of this journey has been my realization that I have oppositional defiant disorder when it comes to unethical dill-holes…& I’m totally cool with it.

I’ve seen so many adult tantrums, I could be the President of Karen FC, and more than half of them were dudes who didn’t understand the word no…..ya that was for you Bob, John, Dave, Rex, Reinhold and Nenad….hopefully someone reads this to you.

Responsibility, accountability, objectivity, vulnerability, …. These are words I’d like you to consider when reading this rant.

Coaching has been a roller coaster ride of epic proportions….and one I’d like off of finally, because there is no safety net when you get driven off the tracks, helmets aren’t mandatory, and the waiver means shit.

Teachers have regulatory boards and unions and rational appraisal and objective investigation, that does not happen in the coaching world. 

It’s Mickey f***ing Mouse!

This story would make a great screenplay for those with a Guy Ritchie sense of cinematic brilliance. I wanna be played by Vinnie Jones or Jason Statham if it ever gets there…just sayin….let’s throw in a few well placed head-butts for good measure as well.

No I’m not advocating violence, I’m suggesting more of a meeting of the minds kinda scenario for the misinformed twats who don’t listen.

For full transparency, I knew Bob Birarda, he was my boss at TSS for 5 years in the late 90’s early 2000’s. Funnily enough, I met him through our mutual Clinic and camp work for the BCSA. 

We haven’t spoken since I left TSS in 2003 for reasons I won’t elaborate on, but kind of touch on the present situation. Possibly a poor choice of words, but you get the drift.

I am a survivor of childhood abuse and I’m still coming to grips with that. I’m a work in progress for sure.

Hardened because of it, without apology.

I tell you this for context, so you can understand my state of mind and the rage and utter contempt I feel for abusers and their protectors. 

I promised myself a long time ago that I would never be the silent victim again, that I would be very vocal if I thought others were abusing their authority and overstepping themselves to harm.

It infuriates me even more when they use their Board/Staff position to hide, harass intimidate, silence and bully (see TTFC)

However, screaming from the rooftops means nothing if you’ve been muted from all soccer related activity.

I’m not writing this for sympathy, or condolences, I’m here to continue to raise the alarm and for a call to action regarding the investigative practices of the BCSA/CSA, or lack thereof.

My goal, along with so many others is simple, we do not want any more victims of a dysfunctional reporting and discipline system… the definition of insanity comes to mind, and the negative results speak for themselves.

Expectations need to change, as does policy and personnel.

Out with the old and in with the new.

We need a collective voice echoing our unhappiness for change to occur. 

It’s going to take a village of affected people to disempower the morally bankrupt system in which we currently operate.

The system operates and functions to divide and conquer. 

We cannot let that happen.

I want the game of soccer to be beautiful again…. Is that too much to ask??

My foster kids want to play, and want me to coach them, but I can’t, and won’t, let them play a game where they are unsafe….& I know firsthand they aren’t protected by BCSA/CSA  should things go sideways, or their abuser is friends with somebody at BCSA/CSA. My kids deserve better than to be overlooked or ignored like the women in 2008.

So we do parkour, volleyball and other pursuits until it’s fixed.

When I think about what I’m most aggrieved about regarding my persona non grata status with BCSA and the CSA, it’s the fact no one listened. Ever. 

Ignored by the ignorant.

There were serious issues and multiple breaches of rules and policy being swept under the rug and no one wanted the responsibility of dealing with it. No one. Ever.

Incapable? Unqualified? Who knows…. 

The sheeple grazed instead.

It was easier to hide behind a wall of silence and willful ignorance I guess. Shameful. 

To this date, I still cannot get a single response from a single BCSA board member. Nada

I’ve contacted over 60 people…and all I got was a visit from the Richmond RCMP and VPD saying the blind and deaf felt harassed.

So they do know how to contact the authorities, but only when they are made to feel uncomfortable, for doing nothing, when something needed to be done on their part.

Bizarre….but I guess that does explain why we have a Grand Canyon-like hole of victims of sport abuse, and why it is so tenuous to bring it to someone’s attention.

And no, my messages were not profanity laced tirades, but they were very jabby to the immoral marshmallows I suppose. Skewering perhaps.

Nothing gets peoples backs up like telling them they shit the bed in child protection….but they did.

BCSA were so caught up in the angry tone of my accusatory emails that they didn’t even stop to figure out if any of what I was saying was true. 

The problem was the people I filed a complaint with were the same people I was filing a complaint about… bit of a mindfuck right?

Apparently not conflicted though, from the BCSA perspective…not even worthy of a look.

For the record, I was charged and suspended by the BCSA for bringing the game into disrepute and conduct unbecoming a member of the Association twice for the same issue. 

Three times total, same general open ended bullshit charge.

The charges led to the longest suspension in FIFA history for whistleblowing abuse and harassment.

My suspension is longer than Sepp Blatters for the record…& that nutsack stole boatloads of cash along with his buddies in South America.

BCSA overkill!!

And I’m apparently so evil and scary that they won’t even let me attend my own discipline hearing. 

Even Hannibal Lecter was allowed to be present at his hearing… hell

I’d even agree to come in shackled, as long as they take off the muzzle they have imposed, and we can openly discuss the hard truths of their failures.

Due process? Due diligence? Ummmm no, not for me apparently.

What did I do that was so out of bounds you might query??considering in BC you can still coach after strangling, and sexting players.

These charges were brought against me by BCSA for strongly worded emails regarding a sham investigation of abuse and harassment at Richmond Football Club (RFC) and subsequent BCSA inaction…..but not a single solitary person in charge checked to see if there was any fact or corroboration in my statements.

Not one single person. Ever.

Apparently some people just cannot be challenged or questioned. 

BCSA/CSA is an untouchable entity., as are those under its umbrella.

That is extremely problematic for issues of internal misconduct and conflict in a system that prides itself on transparency and neutrality.

And much like the Bob Birarda non-investigation shit show that’s unfolding before us, there’s so much covering of ass at BCSA/CSA you’d think it was a brothel bust…lol 

Here’s what I’d like you to ponder while reading.

What is considered reasonable behaviour in investigating abuse and harassment?

Is a standard of care expected of our Provincial and National Sports Associations and the people representing them?

Should Provincial and National Sports Organizations (PSO/NSO) continue to receive public and private funding if they are non compliant with meeting basic human rights??

Should public or PSO/NSO funding be used to legally protect those that have been negligent and abusive?

Should those that protect abuse be subject to some sort of public deterrent or consequences for their inaction?

Should organizations and Associations be allowed to hide behind non disclosure agreements when dealing with harassment and abuse? Should that not be public consumption material?

Let’s be real. The current system, as we know it and live it, is broken beyond repair and needs to be rebuilt. That is a fact that even the Canadian Minister of Sport has acknowledged openly. 

Protection is not a safeguard guaranteed by the current system, and that is unconstitutional, problematic and unacceptable in its current form.

Before I even get into the specifics of my debacle, I want to make a few acknowledgments. 

Through the immense suffering and humiliation I have experienced, I have learned a lot about what really matters to me personally. I have immense gratitude for my pooches, trusted friends, Bodega (if you’ve tasted their potatas bravas and charcuterie you know of what I speak), LOTR, yoga, legalized cannabis, the Seths(Rogen & McFarlane), Deadpool, dogged reporters with integrity and Robot Chicken ;)

They have provided light, levity and sustenance in the darkest of times, and the shadiest of characters.

The reporters especially, have given me faith that all is not lost or forgotten, and that integrity in sport does matter….to those outside of it.

To get this tale hopping, I figured I’d start out with a little laugh first, before the heavy stuff starts…. Because we could all use a smile these days ;)

So I will borrow a little ditty off the Fresh Prince when I start this flow…maestro if you will… hit it!! 

Now, this is a story all about how

My life got flipped-turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you all how I became the target for the Discipline Chair….mic drop … a 51 year old rapper I am not….lol 

I can’t even tell you, how many times I’ve sat down to write this factual tale of abuse, harassment and cover up by the BC Soccer Association, only to get caught up in reliving the drama, trauma and injustice over and over. It sticks like a bad smell….because it’s rotten, as are the people in authority who perpetrate and protect abuse for personal benefit.

It seems like every other week I’m reading about others suffering the same exasperation and devastation I experienced. 

Nothing lessens your worth as a human like being ignored and vilified for reporting wrongdoing. It’s heartbreaking to have it turned against you.

Gaslighting torches the soul.

As we have all read lately, it’s not just soccer, it’s a North American sports delivery system failure. Why?? because amateur sports lacks any sort of credible neutral external oversight. 

Independent and transparent it is not! 

If the Whitecaps or BCSA/CSA think they are any better than US Gymnastics think again. Same issues, different scale. 

What is evident is that covering up abuse is a pervasive systemic problem that continues out of control, and the leadership entrusted to help, often do the opposite, either through inaction or overt complicit acts….without accountability or any sort of condemnation.

I can relate to the victims of the Whitecaps, BCSA and CSA investigative incompetencies. Collectively, the triumvirate are the Roman Catholic Church of youth sports. Deny, Deflect, Deceive with the financial capital and public relations departments to back it up.

Denial of due diligence is the most damaging part of whistleblowing or reporting abuse/harassment, as it immediately shifts the power dynamic in favour of the abusers. 

The victim must prove their allegation without the benefit of investigative neutrality or institutional support. 

What’s alarming about that is it’s contradiction to the unclean hands doctrine of law that clearly states immoral behaviour or acts of bad faith will not receive the benefit of belief before a governing body or court of law.

See Ciara’s blog if you are unclear about the futility of resolution when dealing with those that are deaf and with big brooms.

What is due diligence you might ask?

Let’s first say that due diligence is not an optional position, or a choice, it is supposed to be an absolute when dealing with protecting children and whistleblowers….. at BCSA/CSA  it’s proven to be an afterthought.

Merriam Webster defines due diligence as follows;

law : the care that a reasonable person exercises to avoid harm to other persons (or their property).

Wikipedia defines Due diligence is the investigation or exercise of care that a reasonable business or person is normally expected to take before entering into an agreement or contract with another party; or an act with a certain standard of care.

Reasonable?? Investigation and standard of care??

In reference to the Birarda situation, Does a “mutual parting of the ways”, versus, 10 criminal charges for sexual assault etc seem like it was a reasonable internal investigation? The discrepancy is alarming, as was the minimal effort made to determine fact over fiction or to pass that information on.

Roberto Sciascia same thing, BCSA does nothing, so the Crown and RCMP has to. 

The cowardly choice is to bury your head in the sand, or cover your eyes with unclean hands, which seems to be the BCSA/CSA way.

As members of the Association, Is that our reasonable expectation of our Provincial/National Sports body?

In my case, I received a lifetime suspension while the coach who choked kids got 1 year….& is coaching again….& the people who protected him walked away Scott free….some with promotions.

Seems objective and fair right??

Non disclosure seems to be the norm, and the agreement, in local authority soccer circles. Relay the basics and leave the important and relevant details omitted.

It’s feigned Generality by the lieutenants of limp.

Standard of care?? The standard of care usually revolves around the concept of the reasonable person standard: whether someone acted with care as the average person would have in those circumstances.

Does anybody believe BCSA/CSA demonstrate a reasonable standard of care in investigating abuse claims?

As a reasonable average person would you have acted differently if someone came to you with an abuse allegation? 

I know I would!!

The problem lies in the fact no one in power actually wades in to help….like I said earlier, it’s groupthink defined.

The reality is they get flustered, panicked almost, make waves and make you swim harder against the current and undertow their flailing  creates…while they throw anchors…

It’s so unbelievably exhausting, which is why so many like myself drown in the bullshit. It’s just easier to let go.

For example, Victor Montagliani, the person responsible for CSA national teams and Birarda in 2008, by his own admission, didn’t even bother to read the report regarding Birardas misdeeds before it went to the CSA board for their mutual  parting of the ways.

What the actual eff???? How is that even possible?

For the record, Mr Montagliani is now the leader of soccer on our continent, CONCACAF and FIFA Vice President. (And coincidentally friends with Mr Birarda prior to his appointments). Wow!!!

So should I really be surprised that not a single person at BCSA read my complaint, and a few others, of  harassment if this is the example of reasonable and professional conduct at the top level.

Due diligence and standard of care in Canadian Soccer?? Nonexistent from the top down.

Which is why a giant spotlight needs to be shone down on these shady organizations and the people representing their authority, and their less than transparent investigations. 

It needs to end once and for all, and if this conversation continues to get the ball moving, then even better.

What frightens me most, and highlights how ass backwards things really are, is that those ignoring the legitimate claims of harassment and abuse are given legal representation paid for by public funds and membership fees, to defend their inaction.

While any legal or investigative costs are borne solely by the victim(s) in pursuing justice.

Yes that’s right, the people and Associations who do nothing to help victims, get lawyers to argue why they did nothing, paid in part by the fees of the abused, government gaming funds and corporate sponsors.

Apparently there is value in being an unethical douche in the current system. Free legal protection.

I won’t even begin to describe what a kick in the nuts that is!!! 

Publicly funded lawyers for child abusers… just let that sink in for a minute….in what other sphere of life does that happen??

I don’t think there would be as much fuckery if it was the other way around, do you??

And If you want to take the

Associations to court you can’t even do that, because the Physical Activity and Sport Act re-directs any legal disputes between sports litigants to the Sports Dispute Resolution Centre (SDRC) instead of taking up valuable public court time.

Constitutional rights mean squat in the sporting arena.

Read a paper in the last 10 years??The headlines speak for themselves, It’s system wide corruptive dysfunction from FIFA to grassroots. 

Positions of power allow for ingratiations on the down low, sexually, monetarily its almost an expected return for their appointment  by certain people (see Jack Warner, Chuck Blazer and the ever growing list)

Chuck Blazer had a FIFA paid New York apartment for his cats for f***S sake!

Jack Warner…hell is waitin on that turd.

The list of miscreants continues to grow because a line is not drawn in the sand.. instead they operate in quicksand.

Rules, Regulations, policies, procedures It’s all fictitious propaganda, designed to show they care about player/coach safety when in reality they drop more balls than a blind goalkeeper with no arms.

Well if FIFA won’t investigate or rein in the BCSA or CSA who will??

Sport Canada? Nope 

ViaSport? Nope 

Layer after layer of toothless blind bureaucracy.

But we have laws you might say.

No we don’t!!

The only laws regarding non profit organizations like local sports clubs and provincial associations is the Societies Act. Which is a useless, toothless piece of legislation, that further emboldens the unethical to continue their misconduct.

How many times has it been used?? 

Zero, as far as I can see.

The question is, who oversees its implementation and adherence???

The answer is nobody, each club is left to go it alone…. Zero ethical audits.

So essentially, we have laws with no watchdog or consequences. Hmmmm, and how is that working for us?? 

Sound reasonable?

We have Zero Internal policing or investigation mechanisms in youth clubs and provincial and national sports organizations (PSO/NSO).

The fact is they simply will not initiate an internal investigation into their operations or personnel.

It’s circle the wagons time and deny, deflect and deceive become the objective, until it goes away, which it does a majority of the time. 

I like to think of them as circle jerks, which makes perfect sense because they are all wankers ;)

I’m sick of carrying the weight and dishonour that I acted with misconduct and brought the game into disrepute for speaking hard truths about a dysfunctional system of abuse, harassment, investigation and reporting and the personnel that take advantage and benefit from these deficiencies and malleable rules.

This is a shout out to Ciara, Jennifer Fraser and the many journalists who have not let this rampant abuse continue to fester, and who have empowered me to continue to speak about the BCSA bullying until someone decides to listen and make real change.

Board and Staff positions or “volunteerism” should not be used as a shield for poor judgment and mismanagement of internal policing of misconduct and harassment.

As a board member, Roberts Rules of Order should not bind or gag you for stepping out of the crowd and stating something is terribly amiss. 

Public safety trumps board bonds or obligations to a unified board position.

Free speech is a basic human right if I’m not mistaken, as is access to reasonable liberty. None of which you will find through the CSA or BCSA. They are devoid of objectivity or accountability, and more often than not will deflect responsibility when proven to be the incapable authority they are.

So here I am putting my story out there… hopefully it gets read and some sort of action is taken, and those that have truly brought the game into disrepute will be dealt with.

I highly doubt it will happen, with the ostriches that run the “beautiful” game in this Province/Country. Their concerns seems to be primarily on liability limitation, public relations and looking after friends rather than the long term best interests and safety of its membership. 

But maybe, just maybe somebody with some integrity… maybe Jason DeVos, John Herdman or Andrea Neil will take the lead and right this sinking ship.

There’s not too many stand up people in this game who have the power to empower people and change, but I believe they’re solid people. 

I would rate Andrea as probably the single most ethical caring leader I’ve ever had the privilege to work beside (we literally shared a closet office ;) )

Leaders lead by example.

What I have learned is healing is not part of BCSA handbooks, nor do they wish to publicly address their gross negligence and egregious misconduct for fear of opening up a can of worms. There be some skeletons in that closet methinks….and I’m sure significant costs for damages.

But daaaaamn wouldn’t it be refreshing if they did own up?

Leaders with integrity…. Sounds too good to be true right?

The whitecaps executives have collected millions in salary since 2008, BCSA staff, hundreds of thousands of publicly funded dollars. 

While others have been promoted and praised for a job well done.

It’s a betrayal of the highest rank for a game that prides itself on the virtues of togetherness and teamwork.

It’s all a facade.

When those in positions to help do more harm than good, they need to go…. With immediate effect and without the cordial Pat on the back or “mutual parting of the ways”… it’s public relations face-saving bullshit.

It’s offensive.

Let me tell you nothing feels as crushing as being ignored and targeted by those who are supposed to be trusted to investigate in an objective neutral manner, while their douchebags confidants are put on a pedestal.

I’m not a woman, I wasn’t sexually harassed or assaulted by a coach…. Deplorable despicable acts for the record.

I was simply doing my job as articulated by the Coaching Association of Canadas Code of Conduct and strongly condemning the choking of children and the farcical conflicted conditions that the BCSA disciplinary system operates under. 

At BCSA/CSA, neutrality and unbiased investigations are the exception rather than the rule for an organization that boasts best practice in risk management, and a player centred approach.

In my experiences, within the BCSA discipline system, it is an outright lie. They investigate nothing and their lack of paperwork proves it.

I give anyone permission to see the BCSA investigation into my lifetime suspension.

So top secret, I had to take BCSA to court to get the documents released under the freedom of information act. 

The documents are laughable!! One is pure chicken scratch, and looks like Big Dave was writing it while having a stroke. It’s almost illegible, but aptly demonstrates their don’t diligence.

Let me tell you, it can be extremely hard and distressing when the general public thinks you’re the one in the wrong because of BCSA misinformation, omission of facts and suppression through suspension. 

Now imagine trying to get a job and your suspension and your name is on a BCSA discipline website for public consumption. 

Not a great reference.

I mean, I’ve actually been followed at a youth soccer game (by Mr Hyde), pics taken of me and sent to BCSA , accompanied by threats from J-dog, BCSA executive dictator, for breaching my suspension. Apparently, watching a youth game was considered a soccer related activity, and a breach.

I’m half expecting a knock on the door when I watch my Red Devils on TV, telling me to change the channel… who the f*** do these people think they are????

At one point in 2015, I was deemed by J-dog, Turdburglar and Magnum NI to be BCSA disciplinary priority #1 when they had Bob Birarda and Roberto Sciascia coaching kids without any sort of investigation or consequences. 

Yes, I am that special.


To suggest BCSA  acted reasonably is farcical. They acted collusively and in direct contradiction to their own policies and procedures, without any internal investigative mechanism or body to deter them.

Aaaaaaand breathe…….

So now that I’ve rambled and Dave Grohl’d my soapbox, let’s focus on facts shall we. 

You can be the judge if you see any process, conflict or transparency issues.

Let’s take a stroll back to 2005/2006. 

What I’ve come to learn with years of field research is that certain parents lose their minds when it comes to their kids and controlling the situation. They must be calling the shots…all the time….which is why they are on the PTA, school board, local soccer board or Discipline Chair.  

Most have never played competitive sport nor have they any sort of coaching certification or leadership experience….. but they know best.

The first candidate for judgment is Big Dave discipline chair for the now defunct Vancouver Richmond Girls Soccer Association (VRGSA) and one of the biggest clowns that I had the displeasure of working with as Head Coach of Douglas Park Soccer Club (DPSC).

The situation. 

I am the Head Coach  of DPSC, I am responsible for player development for both boys and girls teams in the club. I coach a team on the boys side and am involved with several girls team as a trainer.

As a Club, we are having some historical issues with the VRGSA girls metro program and some of our gold level players choosing to stay in the community to play with friends. 

We are accused of holding the players back and damaging the viability and success of the VRGSA metro program, and it seems to particularly rub Big Dave the wrong way, as the success or failure of the program is a reflection of his leadership.

Simply untrue, Their program was crap with or without our players. Big Dave was a bully and a tyrant and the best coaches and players avoided his program because of it.

How do you force a family to leave their community club? (when they have one of the best young coaches in the District in Brendan Quarry).

He made the environment fun and the girls thrived under his guidance. They didn’t want to leave and I couldn’t blame them, nor would I force them out. 

Big Dave is incensed DPSC are not falling in line with his district directives….and so he plots and bides his time to strike.

It should be noted, Big Dave is both the District President and Discipline Chair for the VRGSA…He kind of reminds me of Emperor Palpatine with his whole unlimited power wrinkly face shtick. Sith for sure….if only light-sabres were legal… lol 

At the same time, DPSC is having  an issue on a U13 girls team with a delusional parent who thinks they know best, that their child is prodigious and we are holding her back. You know, the kind of guy that continually oversteps themselves and regales you with their wisdom and vision of tactics and formations, when he doesn’t have a clue.

His name was Basil…and no not the funny Basil Fawlty kind of Basil… the pretentious self righteous, self important twatty kind. 

Anyone who has coached, or knows this man, knows of what I speak. 

Going forward I will refer to Basil as Kale, it’s dry and bitter like the man, plus I don’t wanna exclude anyone from a well earned moniker.

If there was a Premier League of knowing sweet f*** all…. Kale was Man City! Team manager for TTFC for sure.

Anyways, Kale didn’t like his daughters coach and wanted me to make a change, and of course he volunteered to step into the void. I did not agree in the slightest.

He persisted…relentlessly. I told him to beat it. 

After having several tantrums, He decided he was going to take his daughter and go to a new club, I encouraged it and told him not to let the door hit his ass on the way out.

Kale wrote a letter to the DPSC board complaining of his daughters psychological fragility and harm from this coach, slandering the man. Absolute rubbish.

Now this coach had zero issues with anyone else on the team and might be the chillest bloke I’ve ever met… ex pro, lovely man, cool and class personified (which I felt was kinda odd for a Chelsea FC supporter).. love ya DG ;)

DPSC investigated and found Kale was just a bitter guy not getting his way. 

Maybe not getting enough leafy greens in his diet, I dunno…

As a control freak and possibly vitamin deficient west side parent, Kale didn’t like being told to F*** off… so he decided he’d take his whining higher up the food chain, so he contacted Big Dave at VRGSA.

A match made in in the depths of hell, or the toilet scene from Trainspotting… either way, not good.

Big Dave now had “ammunition” to start his war. 

Now let’s remember, I don’t coach a girls team, nor am I involved in the VRGSA in any capacity. 

This is April 2006, the season is winding down and all is calm…. Or so I thought.

Fast forward Late July 2006, I am contacted by DPSC President John Mcintryre while I’m on vacation in Alaska and told I needed to return immediately as I had been charged by the VRGSA and Big Dave for bringing the game into disrepute.

I was told by Steve Fleck of VRGSA an investigation had been undertaken on behalf of Kale and his daughter and that I needed to be in attendance.

Ok no problem.

I was contacted by several VRGSA members who I am friendly with letting me know a witch-hunt was in progress and that I needed to be aware that Big Dave wanted me removed from my head coaching role at DPSC.

I’ve done nothing wrong so what could I possibly be worried about.

So I attend his kangaroo court.

Don Dancey of the BCSA is the guest of honour to legitimize this charade from a BCSA perspective , Dancey Pants is a long time friend of Big Dave.

John Falco, Steve Fleck and Bob Shaw were also in attendance.

At this quasi-hearing, I am told that I threatened a child. 


An email was referenced, It was a message I sent to Kale suggesting I would have a conversation with his daughters new club and coach regarding the supposed psychological damage her DPSC coach caused her. 


Her biggest psychological issue was the fact her dad is a nutter. Full stop.

I’m not understanding VRGSA logic, Coaches have conversations and share information all the time about players technical and psychological abilities (and parental nightmares) not sure why this is considered so egregious, but Big Dave is like a rabid dog regarding my apparent insubordination to the likes of twatty Kale.

My Disciplinary hearing lasts 20 minutes, I’m told to wait outside while they render a decision. 

Ten minutes later, they invite me in and inform me that they have suspended me from coaching for 1 year. 

No investigative notes… not a single scrap of paper to suggest they lifted a finger to “investigate” my alleged disreputable behaviour .

I’m not a volunteer coach with another job, coaching is how I pay my bills. This miscarriage effectively terminated my employment with DPSC.

Due diligence? Investigation? Ethics? Noooope, straight up lynch mob.

Recourse?? None available. 

The goal was pretty simple and obvious, to get me out of coaching in their District, and it succeeded….super smoothly….like shit through a goose.

Of course the dummy that I am, I spent $500 and appealed to BCSA, who stated they would not overturn Big Daves decision, as Dancey Pants was in attendance to ensure the process was sound. 

Not even fucking close!! Pardon the French. What a waste of time and money. Again, they look after their own.

I’d list Dancey Pants as ASSistant corner flag for TTFC. Absolute pylon.

There was so many holes in their process and “investigation” you could drive an Ottawa convoy through it….but would anyone listen?? Nope!

So I went and immediately got another coaching job at Langley United. The club I most wanted to be at anyway, as it was where I grew up and played my entire youth career.

Was I ever contacted by BCSA while  openly working in Langley under suspension?? Nope.

But that was not the end of that travesty of Justice, it’s poisonous tentacles reached long and far after that. 

Believe it or not, The suspension has been used as credible evidence twice against me in a court of law.

The first was in 2011 in my Divorce Proceedings with my Doctor ex wife, the suspension is used by my ex as evidence that I have problems with authority and employment difficulties because of my misconduct, even though she knew the shady circumstances behind it. 

Dirty pool? She used what Big Dave gave her…& she ran with it. Saved her a boatload of alimony so she’s happy as hell. 

I was deemed by the court to be the architect of my own demise when it came to misconduct and holding gainful employment.

The second time was 2013 in my Sec 211 custody report for my newborn son. Again the suspension was used as credible evidence that I could be “potentially” harmful to my child. I am given supervised visitation and I have to pay someone $60 an hr to babysit me and my kid…. I shit you not.

Ok now I’m starting to get real choked. 

The psychologist writing the report didn’t even speak to anyone at BCSA regarding the specifics of my suspension. 

How is that in any way fair? Why is credibility attached to an Association that acts in bad faith?

I was, and still am, blown away that Big Daves bullshit investigation has any credibility, or legitimacy whatsoever… but it continues to hold sway with BCSA/CSA and it disciplinary muppets.

This joke of a suspension will be used twice more by the BCSA in 2015 and 2016 to increase their overkill coaching ban….more to follow.

It should be noted, My only disciplinary infraction from 1977-2015, outside the BCSA BS, a red card for bollocksing out a referee in a metro game when my player almost had his leg broken in an extremely dangerous tackle. I was given one game, I’ll take that 100% of the time for sticking up for my players.

My next visit to BCSA Discipline in 2015 wouldn’t be as neutral or fair….but it was exactly like my 2006 gong show where unethical A-holes (TTFC) run the show.

So let’s fast forward again to late December 2014 and I’m now working at Richmond Football Club (RFC) working with gold, silver, bronze and house teams. Love my gig. Things are going well work wise.

I’m asked by several metro level parents if wrapping your hands around players throats was a good visual for demonstrating defending. Ummmm no it is not.

Apparently the RFC metro head coach (Roberto Sciascia) had thought that was a good idea. It didn’t go over so well with the 12 year old players or their parents. 

So they complained to the spineless  conflicted RFC board, and this is where the second part of the story begins. 

Again, I have zero to do with the RFC metro program. Nothing.

Zero problems in 2 years with the RFC board at that point.

Fade to a cold wintery wet December night on the pitch in 2014…..all is not swell….& parents are fuming…. Not at me, but the process to report misconduct. They feel they’re being marginalized and stifled, they ask me to speak to Dan Brodie (Mr. Hyde) who is on the RFC board, and who I have positive rapport with.

I suggest the parents should be reaching out to BCSA.

I reached out to Mr Hyde. That goes over like a led zeppelin.

I’m told by Hyde to mind my business and I should re-think any allegiances to RFC board member Laura Heroux or speaking out of turn regarding Hydes ridiculous plan to have two metro teams at U13 the following year (to accommodate his son)…. And should I persist then my employment will be reviewed…..hmmmmm… what do you think he was trying to say??

So I decided enough was enough and after 2 months of pent up anger, I sent some very pointed emails speaking of the complete and utter BS that was going on behind the scenes by LD, Jonny and Hyde.

Well that got a few gents panties in a twist, both at RFC and BCSA.

TTFC became angry, vengeful and out for blood.

LD, Jonny and Hyde were most unhappy that their collusive little plan to sweep the Sciascia incident under the rug was not really going away quietly, and I had all but obliterated their two team metro dream by recommending the top players leave and join the District program.

They stewed in their shittyness for months.

They waited until I had completed the RFC player assessments for the following year, as I was the only coach on staff who knew the 700+ players and coaches outside the metro program.

LD waited for me on the field on the last night to hand me a notice saying I was suspended for bringing the game into disrepute and conduct unbecoming a member.

Oh F*** here we go again!!!

Send in the clowns.

But it gets even better, some dumbass from RFC then contacts my baby mama telling her I’ve been suspended for misconduct.

She immediately applies to the court to have my access to my son terminated without consent due to the fact I’m unemployed, can’t pay child support and possibly a danger to children for two suspensions from the BCSA .…. And the judge agrees.

Apparently, It is not in my sons best interest for my issues with authority to be made public, and the judge imposes a publication ban.

With my parental rights terminated, My son has now been re-named and adopted without my consent.

That can’t happen you might be thinking…. Thanks to law changes in the Family Law Act (FLA) it most certainly can.

The FLA is not father friendly!

Especially if you work with children and have been suspended multiple times for alleged “misconduct”.

So now, I’m jobless, broke and unrepresented by a lawyer, I lost my case in the Court of Appeal and must now pay my baby Mamas court costs of $16000. 

I have to pay to have my child taken from me without my consent….I told you the cost was steeeeeep!

Let me tell ya, having a penis is not all it’s cracked up to be…lol 

No job, no kid, no cash…all for sticking up to some wastes of skin that use their positions to be F***heads.

Oh and some jail time thrown in for good measure for contempt of court for attempting to start a go fund me to pay for a lawyer, along with non payment of support. 

The Go Fund Me page was in Violation of that publication ban imposed by Judge Bond I mentioned earlier.

On the plus side, I now have got some great campfire stories of using bologna sandwiches as pillows, sharing cells with murderers and hit men. Witnessed some brutal prison beat downs and was on the same cell block as the Bacon brothers. Legit.

I couldn’t make this shit up even if I wanted to.

Still with me??


Ok cool, on we trod.

So let’s review some basic dates and people;

Dec 2014

BCSA J-dog and Turdburglar were contacted by a reporter and RFC parent (Martin Van Den Hemel) about a RFC coach (Roberto Sciascia) wrapping his hands around two different 12 year old players necks. Parents complained to RFC… 

RFC did nothing. 

J-Dog and Turdburglar declined the BCSA investigation and referred the matter back to RFC to deal with.

Due diligence? Reasonable?

RFC begrudgingly “investigates” and I use that term lightly….and RFC president Little Dave (LD) appoints board member Jonny Rotten to lead this investigation.

The problem is Jonny is a parent coach who works under Mr Sciascias tutelage in the RFC metro program.

Jonny is in fact the RFC director responsible for the Metro program

and the contract of its head Coach (Mr. Sciascia).

You’d think he’d already be conflicted by this position alone.

However, unbeknownst to most was that Jonny was knowingly and willfully contravening RFC/BCSA policy and coaching his sons metro team without proper BCSA coaching qualifications and had done so for years…..quietly and under the radar of BCSA. 

As it turns out, Jonny was invested and in need of Mr Sciascias continued coaching and certification number to be able to continue his involvement with his sons team. 

Provincial cup play was approaching and official forms needed to be in BCSA possession, and Jonny lacked the requirements.

Jonnys report and investigation on the choking incidents might be the biggest waste of paper ever…. If he even took notes.

This is a man who is the managing partner for KPMG and a graduate of the Sauder school of business… you don’t think he understands conflict, optics, transparency and acting with reasonableness??

Taken from the Sauder website:

“He frequently works with boards and shareholders and addresses corporate governance issues, a role he has played for many of KPMG’s most significant clients. Jonathan is also a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors, a school for director education and certification; he shares timely information on current and emerging governance issues and best practices with his clients.”

“Outside of work, his interests include golf, coaching soccer and water sports.”

I sure hope that last one involves a boat.

What he is, is a power tripping control freak who used his board position to skirt the rules.

It always amazes me how many business personalities don’t transfer their professionalism outside the workplace. They are different animals altogether, when they don’t have shackles or supervisors to reel them in.

Do you think KPMG or Jonny would appoint unqualified staff for their top team in the business world?

Of course they wouldn’t….but he thought it ok to do it at RFC….because he benefitted and no one stood up to him.

LD was the President of RFC and a vocal supporter of Mr Sciascia, as was Jonny. 

More than a few people in Richmond would argue that both LD and Jonny’s sons Metro team selection and playing time benefitted immensely from the their fathers board positions and the relationship their fathers had with Mr Sciascia.

Therefore, LD and Jonny were personally invested in Mr Sciascias position and continued involvement as overseer of the entire metro program. 

They should have been removed from any part of an investigation of Mr Sciascia.

They needed the problem to go away… quietly. So they controlled and manipulated the outcome to serve their personal interests.

They were not neutral, they were not unbiased…. They were as conflicted as you could possibly be… but on they bullied…with almost no pushback… until I sent an email for clarity on their position on transparency and conflict, then shit hit the proverbial fan.

Risk management director of RFC (Laura Heroux) and others voiced concern over transparency and conflict issues as well, she was eventually ostracized and driven from the RFC board, while others quit due to suspect leadership.

Bullies being bullies. 

At the same time as the assault investigation, RFC Board members Mr Hyde, LD and Jonny are harassing, threatening and attempting to intimidate me over a ridiculous plan for RFC to field two U13 Metro boys teams.

A plan that I vehemently protested against because it was not in the best interest of the players nor did it align with BCSA/CSA long term player development (LTPD) plans or our District high performance partnership with Fusion FC.

What came to light was the three stooges were trying to figure out how they were going to pay Mr Sciascias bloated $90,000 per year salary the following year when at least 3 of the 5 metro teams he was responsible for no longer wanted to work with him, so they figured adding another team and charging another 18 families $1500 per season would be a decent way to top up what was going to be missing salary wise by the other teams finding another paid trainer.

Hence the two team U13 option, was simply a way to generate funds, rather than based on the players ability or best interest.

They were willing to send lambs against wolves on the pitch.

So I worked hard to make it not happen.

I gave them their due diligence.

What also came to light at that time was the fact the RFC Board had quietly voted to give all Metro players families a $700 rebate on their fees so that they could undersell the costs for the newly formed BCHPL and Fusion FC program.

RFC wanted to be cheaper so that players would stay in Richmond rather than play on the district team  as per BCSA LTPD.

Board members voting to give themselves a $700 rebate on their registration fees…. Only in Richmond could that happen. 

Conflicted. Non transparent. Disgraceful.

I reported their behaviour to RFC and BCSA (j-dog and Turdburglar) their collective response?? ……crickets ….

Suppression through suspension seems to be the heavy handed approach taken when legitimate questions are asked of questionable members of the Association.

So J-dog and Turdburglar didn’t take the RFC parental complaint seriously in Dec 2014 and now they’re trying to cover their asses by going after me for publicly addressing their incompetencies.

Enter Magnum NI, BCSA Discipline Chair 

Magnum is an ex Richmond girls soccer president and served on many committees and boards with RFC president Little Dave….. 

Conflicted?? Hell yes! 

Magnum then appoints another friend of LD to sit on my Discipline Committee.

Magnum disagrees with my assertions that the Discipline committee is conflicted and compromised.

Magnum uses his position and discretion as Chair and punishes me harder for questioning his investigational integrity and speaking of his conflicted position. 

Under examination, Magnum could provide no proof that he had initiated an investigation, other than undocumented conversations with his friends LD, Jonny, Turdburglar and J-dog.

When I contacted the BCSA Board, at the time it was led by ex RFC President Roger Barnes… so I might as well have been speaking to a wall.

Friends looking after friends.

Merriam-Webster Definition of bring into disrepute


: to give (something) a bad name

The English Football Association (FA) define it in Rule E3(1) of the FA Rules and Regulations.  This Rule reads as follows:

‘A Participant shall at all times act in the best interests of the game and shall not act in any manner which is improper or brings the game into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent conduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour.’

 This is is taken directly from the British Columbia Soccer Association website https://www.bcsoccer.net/files/AboutUs/BylawsRulesRegsPolicies/2021BCSoccerRulesandRegulations.pdf

It’s actually been a concerted group effort on the part of BCSA to disavow any knowledge of their complicity in allowing members to discredit the game and to bring it into disrepute. 

Is the deniability really that plausible??

What is abundantly clear on examination of the evidence is that there are ZERO consequences for negligence, breaches of duty and conflicts by “volunteers” or BCSA Staff. 

There is also ZERO avenues for seeking independent or internal investigation of BCSA or it’s archaic biased discipline system.

Story time is not done yet.

March 2015

So Magnum doesn’t investigate anything and gives me a lifetime suspension, based on the fact I’m a repeat offender, as per Big Daves suspension in 2006.

RFC parents are outraged and raise the $1000 appeal fee to the CSA for me.

Waste. Of. Cash.

As a CSA adjudicator stated “Investigations of this nature are not within the Scope of the mandate of the CSA”. 

The CSA reduce my lifetime ban to 1 year and state that if the harassment and threats I received were so bad from RFC board members, I should have left my employment rather than voice my disapproval.

Ok then… pretty sure that is in direct contradiction to labor laws and human rights …but par for the course. 

Advantage will always go to the Associations.

So here we are in 2016… waiting for my 1 year ban to be over. 

Before I could be reinstated, I was contacted by Turdburglar saying BCSA had charged me again for bringing the game into disrepute but this time I would not be allowed to attend my hearing.

Seems reasonable right?

This time I received a bullshit 10 year suspension. I couldn’t even tell you who was on the disciplinary committee because I wasn’t privy to that information, as it was concealed.


Was I gonna waste another $1000 and appeal to the CSA? F*** no! Team useless.

So the question begs to be asked…Who is ultimately responsible for policing BCSA or the CSA? 

If anyone has any sensical answers, I’d be glad to hear them.

If you are unclear about the BCSA disciplinary process, here it is. 

Taken from the above mentioned BCSA Rules, Regulations, Policies and Procedures.


Neutrality and Non-Discrimination

d) BC Soccer, its members and affiliated organizations shall be neutral in matters of politics and religion.


a) All Discipline, Protests and Appeals administered by an independent Judicial Body of BC Soccer, a club, district, league or association in membership shall be performed under the Judicial Code and Policies of BC Soccer as approved by the Board of Directors of BC Soccer.

b) The Judicial Chair of BC Soccer shall have the power to inquire into the conduct of any person or organization that relates in any way to soccer activities sanctioned by the Association and may take disciplinary action where it is determined that a person or organization has:

i) Violated FIFA Laws of the Game and/or FIFA, Canadian Soccer Association and / or BC Soccer statutes, laws, bylaws, rules/regulations and/or policies;

ii) Violated rules established from time to time by BC Soccer governing the conduct of members on and off the field;

iii) Behaved in a manner considered by the Judicial Chair of BC Soccer to be unbecoming of a member registered with BC Soccer;

iv) Behaved in a manner considered by the Judicial Chair of BC Soccer not to be in the best interest of the game of soccer or BC Soccer;

viii) Committed any act or made any statement either verbally or in writing, or been responsible for conduct, continuing misconduct or any other matter which, could be unsporting, insulting or improper behaviour or likely to bring the game into disrepute.

d) In addition to its powers under paragraphs “b” and “c”; Rule 9-Judicial Matters; the Judicial Chair of BC Soccer may make any other disciplinary decisions that they consider just.

So what do you all think??





And finally, BCSA sent me a letter stating I could seek a review of their suspension, and all I need is written support from a Member Association president….

Know anyone who wants to step up?? Won’t win you any popularity contests but it’s the right thing to do

Anyways… I’m done for now… sick to death of writing, it’s a sunny Saturday, gonna go out and enjoy a run around with the kids at the park. 
